Newsletter n. 14, Marzo 2018

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N. 14, Marzo 2018

Ultimo numero Antonella Tantari, Simone Severini, Alfonso Scardera, Roberto Henke
L’uso della Banca Dati Rica per l’analisi dei redditi extra-agricoli delle famiglie agricole italiane

“La Rica fornisce uno strumento insostituibile per l’analisi dei redditi delle aziende agricole. Tuttavia, in un contesto di forte pluriattività presente nelle famiglie agricole, è emersa la necessità di analizzare..."
  Massimo Sargolini
Eventi sismici: non ci facciamo più cogliere di sorpresa

"L’impreparazione della governance ai diversi livelli è stata rilevata all’indomani del sisma del 2016. Ripartire da questo dramma per delineare nuovi approcci alla gestione delle catastrofi naturali è un compito..."
Archivio Daniele Moro, Paolo Sckokai
Aree Interne: un potenziale per la crescita economica del Paese

"Nel gergo degli addetti ai lavori, il “Primo Pilastro” della Politica agricola comune (PAC) rappresenta l’insieme di strumenti di politica agraria che hanno a che fare col sostegno dei prezzi dei prodotti agricoli e con l’integrazione diretta..." (Agriregionieuropa anno 7 n°25, Giu 2011)
  Franco Sotte
E se immaginassimo una Pac davvero al passo con i tempi?

"Se le proposte di riforma della Pac attualmente sul tavolo dovessero superare indenni gli ostacoli che ancora le separano dalla trasformazione in regolamenti definitivi..." (Agriregionieuropa anno 8 n°29, Giu 2012)
  European Commission
A new, modern Multiannual Financial Framework for a European Union that delivers efficiently on its priorities post-2020

“Every seven years, the Union decides about its future finances. This is a time for Leaders to commit financially to the kind of Union they want. This is always an important moment. But it is doubly vital at a time..."
Towards better food policies

"Growing, higher income and more urbanised populations continue to demand a more varied and nutritionally balanced diet. The bio-economy, including renewable energy, also increases demand for food and agricultural..."
  European Commission
Europeans, Agriculture and the CAP

"Agriculture and the agri-food sector are important in the eyes of Europeans. One of the key policies in this area of the economy is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)..."
  European Commission
Financial gap in the EU agricultural sector
“Estimating potential unmet demand for financial resources in a specific sector such as agriculture can be challenging mainly due to data availability. One method is to estimate the number of enterprises not obtaining..."
  European Commission
Economic challenges facing EU agriculture

"This section selects main economic Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of EU agriculture. In this paper, strengths and weaknesses are inherent to EU agriculture itself..."
  European Commission
Climate & Environmental challenges facing agriculture and rural areas

"Almost half the EU's land is farmed. This makes agriculture extremely important for the EU's natural environment, and for the climate, in various ways. Farming has been a major influence over the centuries in..."
  European Commission
Eurobarometro speciale - La Politica Agricola Comune nel 2017

"The Standard Eurobarometer was established in 1974. Each survey consists of approximately 1000 face-to-face interviews per country. Reports are published twice yearly. Reproduction is authorised..."
  Eip - Agri
Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems

"The concept of Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) is used to describe how people and organisations join together to promote mutual learning to generate..."
  Sustainable Food Trust
Will Brexit and Trump’s wall change the face of farm labour?

"The UK and US are headed for a crisis as crack-downs on immigration threaten to make it harder for agriculture to find the labour it requires. The problem, of course, is that most Westerners..."
  European Commission
Where does the money go?

"The EU budget is unique. Unlike national budgets which are used in large part for providing public services and funding social security systems, the EU budget is primarily an investment budget..."
  European Commission
Any delay in adopting the EU budget will have consequences for citizens and businesses

"The EU needs a new budget in time: to show that EU27 is united and ready to deliver on its positive political agenda, to give certainty for authorities, partners and beneficiaries of EU funding..."
  European Commission
What kind of Europe for our future?

"Every seven years, the EU Leaders have an opportunity to choose the kind of Europe they want - and to decide unanimously on how to finance their joint ambition to build it. A Europe limited to..."


7th AIEAA Conference "Evidence-based policies to face new challenges for agri-food systems"
14-15 June - Conegliano
Annual Forum for the Future of Agriculture

27 March - Brussels
11th OECD Rural Development Conference "Enhancing rurale innovation"

9-12 April - Edinburgh

Agriregionieuropa e l'Associazione Alessandro Bartola possono aiutarti!
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