CREEA Final Conference

Martedì, 25 Marzo, 2014 (All day)

Main event informations

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CREEA(Compiling and Refining Environmental and Economic Accounts) project final conference ,Brussels, Belgium on 25 March, 2014. The conference will present and discuss the results of the CREEA project with EFIMED presenting findings from the work package on forest accounts. EFIMED will also give an overview of forest accounts in Europe and highlight a new collaboration with the WAVES partnership ( to develop a Manual on forest accounts. The goal of this 3-year FP7 project was to refine and elaborate economic and environmental accounting principles and show the added value of having harmonized data. The results of multiple case studies in priority areas will also be presented at the conference. The event will take place at the Bedford Conference Centre which can easily be reached by public transport, metro Anneessens and Gare Centrale Station and Gare du Midi Station. The conference is free of charge, you can register here. For questions, please do not hesitate to contact Anna van Nunen ( or Guus Mulder ( For more information you can visit the website.

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