7th International Conference on Agriculture Statistics (ICAS VII) "Modernization of agriculture statistics in support of the sustainable development agenda"

da Mercoledì, 26 Ottobre, 2016 (All day) a Venerdì, 28 Ottobre, 2016 (All day)

Main event informations

Dati e descrizione

The International Conference on Agricultural Statistics (ICAS) has been organised every three years, since 1998, under the auspices of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
The Seventh International Conference on Agriculture Statistics will take place on 26-28 October 2016 in Rome, Italy. Traditionally, it is preceded by a two day training session for young statisticians, particularly from developing countries, which is organised by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Conference will be hosted by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) in close collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under the leadership of an International Scientific Programme Committee (Annex I), which is co­chaired by the President of Istat and the Chief Statistician of FAO.
The Conference will provide an ideal occasion to respond to changing needs and opportunities for agricultural statistics, especially in terms of supporting the indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals, to be endorsed by the UN Statistical Commission in March 2016.
ICAS Conferences are open to the entire international agricultural statistical community. Moreover, the Seventh ICAS aims at broadening participation, by also involving the academic and research community working on measurement issues related to agriculture. Given the nature of the Conference, all statisticians involved in agricultural, forestry, fishery, and rural statistics, including statisticians from developing countries, are encouraged to participate. In this regard, all costs for the participation in the Conference of a selected number of participants from developing countries will be covered by the organizers.

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